Chrome does not restore last session
Chrome does not restore last session

chrome does not restore last session chrome does not restore last session

Don’t worry if you add any extra, you can just remove them by clicking the small x to the far-right of each website on the list. This is useful for websites that you use every day.* The easiest way to set this one up is to go and open all of the pages that you want to add to the list, then click Open the following pages > Use current pages. You can also set a custom list of pages that you’d like to open. Personally, this is my favorite setting because it lets me easily shut down my computer without much of what I’m doing. If you set On startup to Reopen the pages that were open last Chrome will always re-open your browser just as it was when you closed it. Since you’re reading this page, this is likely the setting you are looking for. Now at this point, there are a few different options to set startup to. In Chrome, click the Wrench (menu) button at the top-right corner of the browser. But, with the right setting for Chrome startup pages -this shouldn’t be a problem anymore. When the computer boots back up, the tabs aren’t in the recent list. Chrome itself is rather stable, and if you close it manually you can always reopen your tabs from the New Tab page under “Recently closed.” My problem usually occurs when I put my Laptop to sleep and it doesn’t wake up properly.

chrome does not restore last session

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had 12-20 work-related tabs open, only to lose all of them from an accidental close or crash.

Chrome does not restore last session