Currently available for Fallout 4, Creation Club will be coming to Skyrim Special Edition next month. Featuring new items, abilities and gameplay created by Bethesda Games Studios and outside development partners – including the best community creators – Creation Club content is fully curated and compatible with the main game, official add-ons, and achievements. You can even space out in a special suit inspired by Prey… or gallop through the Wasteland in Giddyup-Buttercup inspired Horse Armor. Creation Club is now in PC beta, and goes live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC tomorrow, with a collection of new official content including Hellfire Power Armor, a Prototype Gauss Rifle, and Chinese Stealth Armor. Here's the official announcement, along with a few examples of the currently available Creation Club content: Now there’s even more to see, more to do – and more ways to survive in Fallout 4. Basically, you pay for convenience, but you're still free to use whichever unofficial mods you want. What exactly is this Creation Club, you might ask? Well, it's a way for you to purchase Bethesda-curated items, abilities, and gameplay that aren't a part of the base games or their DLCs, and if you do - Bethesda guarantees that the stuff you purchase won't break your game or mess up your achievements. The infamous Horse Armor rears its equine head once again and neighs mockingly, as Bethesda's latest attempt at monetizing mods, Creation Club, goes live in Fallout 4, with its Skyrim counterpart launching next month.