Questions related to the eligibility of individual characters selected for Home World Transfer cannot be answered by the Square Enix Support Centre. I am not saying it isnt good publicity for the game before Shadowbringers, but this current influx is only temporary. * The Home World transfer service cannot be used for characters registered to an inactive service account. * Do not attempt to log in before receiving this notification, as doing so may cause an error in the transfer, prolonging the process. Preferred World: Relatively sparsely populated World with room to spare. Please check the link below for the current status of character creation restrictions and congested/preferred Worlds. Transfers from Congested Worlds to Preferred Worlds: Free. * You will also be removed from the rankings on your previous Home World. Your character must rehire any retainers carried over from Version 1.0. But I suppose that's the whole point of the preferred world, to get more people playing in them and increase the population. Your character has transferred to or has been created on a New World, and is currently under the 90 day transfer restriction. My recommendation would be to use your alts slots to check out other servers, you can check out preferred worlds for their bonus (but they will have small population). We will continue to observe the number of players logged in and change the status of Worlds periodically in order to balance the population among Worlds. Prices in Malboro are much higher than in Gilgamesh (don't know about the other worlds), but I'm guessing it's probably becasue less people less supply -> higher prices. Your character has transferred from a Congested World or has been created on a Preferred World, and is currently under the 90 day transfer restriction.